Kindergarten songbook
Thanks for visiting this page! Scroll down to listen to the songs in your songbooks!
Pitch Exploration
Pitch Exploration
Slide whistle
Slide whistle
The ice cream sundae
The ice cream sundae
echo songs
echo songs
No more pie
No more pie
the princess pat
the princess pat
my aunt came back
my aunt came back
bill grogens goat
bill grogens goat
down by the bay
down by the bay
wise old owl
wise old owl
simple songs
simple songs
Frog in the Meadow
Pitter Patter
Johnny had 1 Friend
Fais Do Do
movement exploration
movement exploration
The Goldfish
The Goldfish
scary skeletons
scary skeletons
the March
the March
The Nutcracker
music for form and expression
music for form and expression
Chop, Chop
Five Little Ladies
Two Little Blackbirds
Five Little Pumpkins
grandma's glasses
grandma's glasses
a ram sam sam
a ram sam sam
here's a nest
here's a nest
Move It!
Move It!
Waltz in A Flat
Waltz in A Flat
Johannes Brahms
Trois Gymnopedie
Trois Gymnopedie
Erik Satie
Dance of the sugar plum fairy
Dance of the sugar plum fairy
Peter Tchaikovsky
The Wedding of Kije
Imperial March
keeping the beat
keeping the beat
Engine #9
Listen, Listen
Frog in the Meadow
Cobbler, Cobbler
Song tales
Song tales
Had A Little Rooster
Risseldy, Rosseldy
Over in the Meadow

This Land
Puff the Magic Dragon
The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night
The Crabfish
Kitty Alone