1st Grade songbook
Thanks for visiting this page! Scroll down to listen to the songs in your songbooks!
pitch exploration
pitch exploration
airplane ride
airplane ride
slide whistle
slide whistle
echo songs
echo songs
Oh, In the Woods
John the Rabbit

I Met a Bear
Charlie Over the Ocean
Wise Old Owl
Kye Kye Kule
There Was an Old Woman
simple songs
simple songs
Closet Key
Closet Key
Fais Dodo
Fais Dodo
Hop old squirrel
Hop old squirrel
Go Round the Mountain
Go Round the Mountain
Long-legged sailor
Long-legged sailor
Movement Exploration
Movement Exploration
The Goldfish
The Goldfish
we are scary skeletons
we are scary skeletons
The Nutcracker
seven jumps
seven jumps
music for form and expression
music for form and expression
Mother Goonie bird
Mother Goonie bird
Two tall telephone poles
Two tall telephone poles
Mother's Knives and forks
Mother's Knives and forks
My hat
My hat
lazy bones
lazy bones
move it
move it
Dance of the sugar plum fairy
Dance of the sugar plum fairy
The Nutcracker
The Swan
The Swan
imperial march
imperial march
keeping the beat
keeping the beat
Johnny Works with one hammer
Johnny Works with one hammer
Hickory dickory dock
Hickory dickory dock
star wars steady beat
star wars steady beat
Song tales
Song tales
The Crabfish
Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
Jenny Jenkins